Lenn Millbower, the Mouse Man™

Creative Resources for Learning and Business Professionals

The Learnertainment® Pocket Tip Book

How to make training popular, powerful and promotable.

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Royalty Free Cartoons for Trainers

Add fully licensed cartoons to your programs.

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Royalty Free Cartoons for Trainers Book
Royalty Free Game Show Music for Training CD
The best 100 training tips book
How to use music in training book

Royalty Free Music - Game Show Themes for Trainers Downloads

Add fully licensed game show style music to your programs.

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Training With A Beat

Learn how to apply music to accelerate learning.

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Instructional design and training expert Lenn Millbower

Lenn Snapshot:

★    Learning visionary

★    Published author

★    Disney Experience (Learning Solutions, Disney Institute, Disney University, Walt Disney Entertainment)

★    Instructional designer

★    College professor

★    Learnertainer™

★    Magician/musician

★    Creative thinker

Care Like a Mouse, 2nd Edition

How to deliver Disney inspired customer service.

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Royalty Free Cartoons, Music and Books for Training, Teaching and Speaking

Disney inspired training and instructional design tools icon
Care Like a Mouse The Key to Disney Quality Service


The Santa System:

Leadership Lessonsa

from the North Pole