Purchase of Game Show Themes for Trainers constitutes a royalty free license to use the music for public speaking, educational and training seminars, trade shows and expositions, briefings, and conferences and meetings.

Never use music illegally again!

★  Original music

★  Inspired by TV game shows

★  Wide range of styles

★  Short, long or talk-over

★  Popular with presenters

★  Mp3 format

★  Fully licensed royalty free for public speaking, training seminars, trade shows and exposition and conferences and meetings.

Product Details

★  MP3 Downloads: 10 Different Song Tracks in Fanfare, Short, and Long lengths for maximum flexibility

★  Publisher: Offbeat Training Tunes (June, 2011)

Game Show Themes Group Two Music

Game Show Themes Group One Music

You’re Selected Jazz

- Moderately paced jazz band flavor

- Ideal for classroom movement

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:08) to call students to attention

  2. Short (0:27) as attendees move

  3. Long (2:47) as background for activity

One Million Answers

- Moderately paced to build excitement

- Electronic video game flavor

Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:07) to signal a new question

  2. Short (0:43) for reading questions

  3. Long (2:20) as background music

News At Nine

- Inspired by local TV news shows

- Fast paced and rushing frenetic penergy

- Electronic flavor

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:12) for back from commercialo

  2. Short (0:39) to introduce “news”

  3. Long (1:08) When stalling for time

Familiar Feud

- Quickly pace to encourage movement

- Driving bluegrass flavor

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:06) for changes in the action

  2. Short (0:32) as students move

  3. Long (0:54) as quick paced background

Final Question

- Moderately paced for thinking

- Tick-tock flavor suggesting a time limit

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:09) to set a game mood

  2. Short (0:58) to introduce segments

  3. Long (2:22) as background music

Court In Session

- Inspired by courtroom shows

- Medium tempo, jazzy mystery flavor

- Driving high hat to build excitement

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:12) to call court to order

  2. Short (0:37) to introduce each case

  3. Long (1:05) as background music

Two Million Answers

- Moderately paced with a swirling electronics

- Thinking of answers music

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:10) to signal a new question

  2. Short (0:57) for reading questions

  3. Long (3:16) as background music

You’re Selected 50s

- Quick paced 50s style sockhop

- Wailing saxophone lead

- Ideal for classroom movement

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:10) to call students to attention

  2. Short (0:30) as attendees move

  3. Long (0:51) as background music

Three Million Answers

I- Moderately paced but driving

- Builds thoughtful classroom anticipation

- Electronic video game flavor

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:08) to signal a new question

  2. Short (0:39) for reading questions

  3. Long (3:37) as background music

Lightning Round

- Moderately paced

- Tick-tock flavor suggesting a time limit

- Three versions come with purchase:

  1. Fanfare (0:08) to signal a new round

  2. Short (0:16) as participants think

  3. Long (1:55) for rapid paced questions

Fully Licensed Learning Music for Training